TV Antenna Repair Greenwood

replace aerial warrick

Today was an aerial upgrade and also a relocation of the new antenna . Took 3 hours with a tile cut hockey pole and a 4 way splitter as there was also an additional television outlet added.

TV Antenna Repair Padbury

replace aerial hillarys

Got a call out to install a new TV Antenna.Existing Aerial had an old amplifier connected to it.useing a Black Arrow TV Antenna can sometimes pull enough reception to the splitter to eliminate a need to add a booster.

TV Antenna Repair Woodvale

aerial repair woodvale

Client had problems with missing free-to-air channels in Woodvale. There was a power pack for a booster that was installed under a bed.the problem was fixed by adding an all port power pass four way splitter at another location in the house where it was suited.Client was very happy.

TV Antenna Balga

TV Aerial Installation Balga

Quite often a builder  will supply the internal cableing “tv outlets” while the house is being built. Balga, the suburb of today’s job,can be busy with crows/parrots flying every where so a reasonable robust antenna is required wth this entry level TV Antenna.

TV Antenna Repair Padbury

fix aerial hepburn heights

90 yr old client rang to say his antenna needed replacing, I said to him did you need a discount on a reasonable price aerial .he said yes im not going to be around for ever lol .so I put a really good antenna up for a really good price .he was really happy hepburn heights.

TV Antenna Installation Scarbrough

aerial repair doubleview

Got a ring from a tennant to find out which antenna was working from his unit. After 10 minutes was able to find out he was connected to his I ended up installing another antenna on the same pole pointing to Rendezvous Hotels’transmitter

TV Point Outlet Beldon

Television Point Beldon

Today was connecting a television out let which was ment to have been connected by an electrician who didint have clue what he was doing.The experience of a television reception technician was all that was needed. Job completed.

Tv Antenna Guilderton

Tv Antenna Repair Guilderton Gabbadah

Guilderton or as it says on maps Gabbadah, one hour north of Padbury is just on the boundry of Yancheps transmitter. It’s a good place to need an amplifier for your Aerial Televison viewing

TV Antenna Repair Carine

aerial replacement duncraig

Customer had her original aerial installed 23 yrs ago.She was wondering why when she turned her kitchen light on ABC would start flickering .Her reception was close to zero . I recomended a new antenna. She excepted, Now she has perfect reception all around on every channel.

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